KOH Activator Concentration Study on The Capacity and Surface Area of Kluwak Carbon for Methylene Blue Adsorption Kajian Konsentrasi Aktivator KOH Terhadap Kapasitas Adsorpsi dan Luas Permukaan Karbon Tempurung Kluwak pada Penjerapan Methylene Blue

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Yuliani HR
Abigael Todingbu’a
Dewi Astuti Herawati
Haera Setiawati
Andi Musfirah Adhar
Isma Ayu Ningsih Putri Zainal
Ida Adriani Idris


This study aims to determine the effect of KOH concentration on adsorbent performance in the form of adsorption capacity and the surface area of the kluwak shell carbon (CSK) on the uptake of methylene blue (MB). The research variables were variations of KOH 0, 1, 3 and 5M, MB concentrations 80,90,100,120, 130, 140 and 150 ppm at the adsorption process at 30 oC, MB volume 50 ml, the number of activated CSK and without activation 0.15 grams was shaken for 1.5 hours with speed 350 rpm. The solution was filtered to separate the filtrate and the CSK (adsorbent), the absorbance was then measured using the UV-VIS spectrometric at a wavelength of 662 nm, then the absorbance was obtained and then converted using a standard curve to obtain a balanced MB concentration. The test result data was calculated the surface area (A) of the MB adsorption method at 126 ppm and the adsorption capacity (qm) using the Langmuir equation. The results showed that activation could improve the adsorbent performance and the increasing KOH concentration would increase the adsorbent capacity and CSK surface area. CSK activation at 5 M was the highest results then others with A of 151.71m2/ g and qm of 47.05 mg /g compared to CSK without activation in the form of surface area of 70.37 m2/g and adsorption capacity of 15.27 mg /g.
Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh konsentrasi KOH terhadap kinerja adsorben berupa kapasitas adsorpsi dan luas permukaan karbon tempurung kluwak (KTK) pada penjerapan methylene blue (MB). Variabel penelitian yaitu variasi KOH 0, 1, 3 dan 5M, konsentrasi MB 80,90,100,120, 130, 140 dan 150 ppm pada proses adsorpsi suhu 30oC, volume MB 50 ml, jumlah KTK ativasi dan tanpa aktivasi 0.15 gram dishaker selama 1.5 jam dengan kecepatan 350 rpm. Larutan disaring untuk memisahkan filtrat dengan KTK (adsorben) selanjutnya filtranya diukur absorbansi menggunakan spekrometri UV-VIS pada Panjang gelombang 662 nm diperoleh absorbansi kemudian dikonversi mengguankan kurva standar didapatkan konsentrasi MB setimbang. Data hasil pengujian dihitung luas permukaan (A) metode adsorpsi MB pada 126 ppm dan kapasitas adsorpsi (qm) menggunakan persamaan Langmuir. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa aktivasi dapat meningkatkan kinerja adsorben dan semakin meningkatnya konsentrasi KOH maka kapasitas adsorpsi dan luas permukaan KTK meningkat. Aktivasi KTK pada 5 M merupakan hasil tertinggi dengan A sebesar 151.71m2/g dan qm yaitu 47.05 mg/g dibandingkan KTK tanpa aktivasi berupa luas permukaan 70.37 m2/g dan kapasitas adsorpsi senilai 15.27 mg/g.

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